Distance Learning

Learn valuable skills in the comfort of your own home!

Male adult working on a laptop

Our flexible, online programmes will support you to learn new skills and gain qualifications that help you to take the next step in work and life - through computer based learning. 

Our courses are easily accessible from home, using a laptop, tablet or desktop computer - if you don't have one, we can loan you one!* 

If you are aged 16+, have access to the internet, and do not have Maths/ English/IT GCSE grades A-C (4-9), then our courses are for you!** Our distance learning programmes are free if you meet these requirements. 

You'll learn at times that are convenient to you with dedicated tutor support available at the end of a phone or an email. 

Choose from:

  • Employability Skills Level 2 - we have a range of units available so you can build the qualification you want based on your aspirations, and how much time you're able to commit. Our units include subjects such as Health and Safety at Work, and Equality and Diversity.
  • Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT up to Level 2 - if you've no GCSEs you can work towards functional skills that are recognised by employers.

To find out more and to enrol, please call us on 01623 677 200 or email learning@inspireculture.org.uk

View our new Distance Learning brochure below.

Meet the team and find out more in the YouTube video below!

CISCO NetAcad FREE IT courses

If you're looking for a career in IT, enrol on our new CISCO NetAcad free online courses and progress your career. Inspire Libraries, in partnership with Cisco NetAcad, provide self-paced introductory courses which enable you to take your first steps on your path to becoming an IT professional.

You'll find several Cisco NetAcad courses listed below, each course has a final assessment, that you can do, if you don't want to do the final assessment, we recommend you do the quizzes and get feedback about your knowledge.

The courses available:

To enrol on our CISCO NetAcad courses please click on the course you're interested in and enter your details into the sign up page.

All our online learning opportunities are great for your CV and job searching journey!

Find out more about Inspire Online or browse courses for Autumn 2022 and beyond.

*Please note that laptop loan is only applicable to our Employability and Functional Skills online courses.

**This requirement applies to Functional Skills only.