Reading & Libraries
Thousands of titles are available from 3 different suppliers, with more added each month. Each individual supplier has different authors and titles for you to choose from.
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Choose from thousands of eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines and eNewspapers - FREE for library members. Join the library today!
Reading & Libraries
Thousands of titles are available from 3 different suppliers, with more added each month. Each individual supplier has different authors and titles for you to choose from.
Reading & Libraries
Our ebook provider BorrowBox offers great choice, content and flexibility. Just login with your library card number and pin to begin downloading and enjoying fantastic books
Reading & Libraries
Library members can access and download a range of free digital magazines.
Reading & Libraries
You're going to love the convenience of accessing all your favourite publications in one place, along with the opportunity to discover new content from around the globe.
In order to provide Ukrainians with a range of free reading, listening, learning and entertainment opportunities, multimedia content provider Odilo has launched a free app for both Android and iOS. Available across Europe, the app includes 3000 e-books and audiobooks in a variety of genres, including 1,700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English.
There is material for both children and adults. We hope that everyone who needs it will draw support, pleasure and comfort from reading, learning and listening in these difficult and uncertain times.
Links to the app: