Reading & Libraries
World Alzheimer's Month
World Alzheimer's Month, which takes place every September (alongside World Alzheimer's Day on 21st…
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Inspire subscribe to a number of online services which you can access free of charge from computers in Nottinghamshire Libraries and remotely from home, work or on the move, using the links below. Just sign in with your library card number.
Unless otherwise stated resources can be accessed through a library PC or from home. Please note, when use is restricted to Library use only, this is because the supplier does not allow us to provide home access.
If you need any help to access these online services please contact Ask Inspire.
Click on the links below to access a range of free research resources:
Reference resources: (Library Edition) - (Library use only)
Access to Research - (Library use only)
British Newspaper Archive - (Library use only)
BFI Replay - (Library use only)
Citizens and Consumer resources: