Reading & Libraries
World Alzheimer's Month 2024
Discover opportunities, events and resources for those with memory challenges.
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Reading & Libraries
Discover opportunities, events and resources for those with memory challenges.
What's On
Feeling isolated? Our libraries are the perfect place to meet new people and relax in a welcoming space. Join us at our many sessions including reading groups, craft groups, and Places of Welcome. All our regular sessions are free to attend so there's nothing to lose - but lots to gain!
Reading & Libraries
Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using recommended books available from your library. The books provide information and advice for people with various physical and mental health conditions, their family, friends and carers.
Reading & Libraries
Much more than self help guides. Our booklists include high-quality titles specialising in mental health, wellbeing, autism awareness and related literature as well as dyslexia friendly books.
Reading & Libraries
If you're a young person in Nottinghamshire, there's tons of support out there for you. Take a look at the resources available in our libraries and where to go for further help.
Reading & Libraries
Wellbeing Bags are small collections of books, items and activities which aim to encourage adults to practice self-care and promote good mental health.
Reading & Libraries
Inspire Libraries have created a collection of reminiscence resources to encourage interaction and communication between people living with dementia, their families, friends and carers.
Reading & Libraries
Find books and information about your condition from a wide range of resources.
Reading & Libraries
Universal Health Offer expresses the public library contribution to the positive health and well-being of local communities.
Arts & Culture
Discover more about our series of Dementia Friendly Film Screenings at Mansfield Library
Adult Learning
Find courses to support your mental and physical health.