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Access records held by Nottinghamshire Archives

Nottinghamshire Archives are the record office for the county of Nottinghamshire and the diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. Our archives date back to the 12th century and cover over 800 years of the county’s history.

We hold over 4 million archives, so there really is something for everyone!  You can explore our archives catalogue by visiting inspireculture.org.uk/archives.

Discovery - The National Archives

Some of our collections are also listed on the Discovery, which is The National Archives catalogue. You can explore the Discovery catalogue by visiting discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk

Please note that that this is not an exhaustive list and not all records are currently available online. You can get in touch with us at Nottinghamshire Archives by emailing archives@inspireculture.org.uk or calling 0115 958 1634, for further advice.

Illustration of Robin Hood standing under the Major Oak tree holding a bicycle