Teacher CPD

Teacher Curriculum Planning

Schools can use the ELS base to meet for curriculum planning. We can provide a tour of the showroom, free Wi-Fi, as well as a large meeting space and refreshment facilities. Our expert librarians are also available to give advice on quality fiction to complement curriculum topics, as well as a range of non-fiction.

Use of the ELS large meeting space for a whole school is available to both ELS customers and non-customers.

Teachers are also welcome to use smaller spaces at ELS to plan as a phase or year group.

Teachers can also borrow books after planning providing their school is an ELS customer.

Please contact ELS at any time to discuss room bookings and planning spaces.

A group of people sit around a cream office table with a presentation screen

Book Talk Teacher CPD

The expert professional librarians at ELS are able to provide tailored short CPD as part of school INSET or a staff meeting. This can be delivered in school itself, virtually via Teams or Zoom, or at the ELS showroom.

Our CPD related to new children’s books is a great way to update and widen teacher’s knowledge. Book talk CPD can also include a box of accompanying books to borrow for one month.

The fee for this can be found on our current price list and pdf flyer.

Please contact us if you would like further details.