Services for Schools
World Book Day 2025: Virtual Assembly with Inspire Libraries for Nottinghamshire schools
Join us for a fun World Book Day themed assembly as we find out about your local library and have s…
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Nottinghamshire Music Education Hub works with numerous schools and partner organisations to deliver exciting music making opportunities for children and young people aged 5-18 years in Nottinghamshire.
Inspire Music offer instrumental and vocal lessons, and FREE ensemble / choir opportunities via the Zoom online platform plus access to FREE music teaching resources for Early Years to Key Stage 4.
FREE for Nottinghamshire maintained and academy schools and their pupils
Get FREE resources, weekly videos and worksheets for children aged 3-16 on our Inspire Music Resources pages.
Access is via a password, please register for FREE:
SCHOOL: Sign-up for FREE resources for EYFS - K4 here: FREE Music Resources Registration Form for Schools
Request out of school online music lessons led by our Inspire Music teaching staff
Inspire Music can offer one-to-one instrumental and vocal lessons via the Zoom online platform.
Please sign up here, including details on pricing and our online safeguarding policy:
PARENTS: Sign-up here for online lessons for your child: Online Registration Form For Parents
In-school music lessons
Inspire Music can also arrange peripatetic music teachers to visit your school. Our teachers can offer individual, small group, large group, instrumental ensemble and choir tuition. Please contact your school office to ask if they offer instrumental music teaching in school. Feel free to pass on our details: call the Inspire Music team on 0115 977 3287 or email imt@inspireculture.org.uk
Primary Singing
We fund a countywide primary Singing Hub Schools network, with link schools in Ashfield, Gedling, Mansfield, Newark and Rushcliffe (we're working on Broxtowe and Bassetlaw!). Get fuller details on our Singing: Primary Phase page here and read how they work with their area primaries to support the development of singing strategies.
We run an after school (term time only) FREE online junior mixed choir 'Inspirations'. Full details: www.inspireculture.org.uk/inspirationschoir/
New for 22-23: Sparkyard Song Subscription Service from Out of the Ark music - exclusive 30% Hub discount on 1 year licence for Nottinghamshire county maintained and academy schools. Get details here: Sparkyard Song Subscription Service
Secondary Singing
Through our partnership with the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain (NYCGB) and the Royal Concert Hall Nottingham we can support your school choir's vocal development, provide exciting performance platforms for your singers and an opportunity for them to surpass their own expectations. Our annual programme of vocal development workshop and performance opportunities are led by their artistic director, their professional tutors and their Fellowship singers. NYCGB lead in school workshops in spring and autumn terms, with performance opportunities in late spring and at Christmas. For a flavour of what we do, watch our inspirational partnership film 'Getting Schools Singing' here https://youtu.be/uTSP5vtghH0
Learn more about our Secondary Singing Strategy work in Nottinghamshire here:
We run an after school (term time only) FREE online senior mixed choir 'Inspired Voices'. Full details: www.inspireculture.org.uk/inspiredvoices
Music Professional Partners
Inspire Youth Arts, based at The Old Library, Mansfield, deliver numerous workshops, studio sessions and inspiring performance opportunities year round., with encouragement and support for all abilities. Rock School, Able Orchestra, Singer-Songwriter Academy... we have it covered.
National Youth Choirs of Great Britain (see our Secondary Singing Strategy page)
National Youth Orchestras of Great Britain have been working with our secondary schools on their NYO Young Promoters project and NYO Play the School days since 2017. Our 2019-20 school will be Queen Elizabeth's, Mansfield.
Arts Award
Music Hub funding allows us to support schools with pupils wanting to achieve Arts Awards. Discover costs may be covered 100%, while Explore at a heavily subsided rate. Our Arts Award templates are accessible via our dedicated Arts Award page. Please click here for further details.
Professional support from Music Mark
Music Mark, the UK Association for Music Education run a Schools Membership scheme which is FREE to Nottinghamshire county based maintained or academy schools.
For 7 years our Hub have been nominating our most musically proactive schools with FREE annual Music Mark School membership.
Get full details of the Music Mark Schools network scheme here.
Digital Music Resources from Charanga
Charanga provide our digital music offer. Their suite of programmes include; Musical School (Primary), VIP Studio Sessions (Secondary) and Music Professional (Instrumental Teacher). All are designed to provide excellent classroom resources which support the new music curriculum. Nottinghamshire maintained and academy school receive a subsidised quote, as this resource is financially supported by ACE / DfE funding.
If you have any questions about our opportunities, please email us at nottsmusichub@inspireculture.org.uk.