Inspired Voices choir

Learn more about Inspired Voices, our Hub's NYCGB - TRCH partnership legacy choir.

Inspired Voices - an a cappella mixed voice choir for Nottinghamshire pupils in school years 9-13.

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  • Credit: Inspire 6/12/22 TRCH Nottingham

About us

Inspired Voices was formed in 2018 and we are a mixed voice a cappella* choir of Nottinghamshire singers in school years 9 to 13**. 

We currently rehearse every week online throughout term time with our Vocal Lead Daniela Smith.

We are 100% subsidised - FREE - thanks to support via Nottinghamshire Music Hub which is funded by Arts Council England and the DfE.  As a result of this continuing support we are lucky enough to have many opportunities to workshop with guest vocal directors and leaders of international standing, such as Dominic Ellis-PeckhamEmily DickensMark De Lisser and  Greg Beardsell.

* A cappella choirs perform without instrumental accompaniment.  

**Years 4 to 8 can join our junior singers Inspirations


We currently rehearse online every Thursday from 6.45-7.30pm, but usually rehearse face-to-face every month during term time.

Recruitment and Registration

We welcome any eager singers in school years 9-13 who'd like to try more diverse vocal styles and repertoire. We also love to hear from any Home-Schooled singers, do get in touch!

If you are interested or would like to learn more and perhaps join us for an online rehearsal, please email our Vocal Lead Daniela for more details c/o

Ready to sign up? Join here:

About Inspired Voices

Back in 2016 Nottinghamshire Music Hub embarked on a 3 year vocal development strategy, forming a partnership with the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain and the classical music team at The Royal Concert Hall Nottingham. The partnership would develop a vocal strategy for Nottinghamshire, and work closely with secondary school choirs from across the County. As a legacy after the partnership had ended, it was the Hub's ambition to develop a new choir that would act as a progression pathway, and be completely accessible to students from the ten Nottinghamshire schools who had participated in the project's many workshops and showcase performances over the 3 years. 

Towards the end of year 2 of this partnership, the Hub wrote to all ten NYCGB engaged schools in Nottinghamshire to ask their choir leaders to nominate singers who they felt were ready for a challenge and showed an eagerness to develop their performance skills. These nominations allowed us to approach a small group of eager singers who were demonstrating vocal potential and who had an interest in finding a performance platform, and keen to progress their skills. A  number were encouraged to audition for the National Youth Choirs' training choirs. Read more about Nottinghamshire's journey in a Case Study on the NYCGB's site, here.

In October 2018, two years into the partnership, ‘Inspired Voices’ had it's first rehearsal, led by the Hub's Vocal lead Daniela Smith. Later that year the choir accepted an invitation to perform in Inspire's ‘Inspired Christmas’ concert at the Royal Concert Hall Nottingham, and also an invitation to perform at the NYCGB spring concert in Nottingham, in April 2019. 

Since then Inspired Voices have performed regularly, and attended masterclasses with numerous guest vocal directors.

If you would like to know more about Inspired Voices, email our vocal lead Daniela c/o

 Get updates on future performances by following #InspiredVoicesNotts  on Twitter.

We're also on Facebook/Instagram @nottsmusichub

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