Get Knitting! I-Cord Creations with Juliet Bernard

All Libraries, Nottingham

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Have fun making I-cord with knitwear designer Juliet Bernard

Join in with Juliet Bernard’s online workshops and nurture your interest in all things woolly! 

Juliet will show you how to make a little tube of knitting called an i-cord and then transform it into a butterfly and a flower. Why not add a button and create an effective embellishment for a jumper, hat, scarf or even a Twiddler! It’s a great way to get used to handling yarns and it’s a really easy way to get knitting!

Share your I-cord creations with us on Facebook and Instagram #Twiddlers, we would love to see them.

How To: Make an I-Cord Flower and an I-Cord Butterfly

You will need:

  • Double knitting yarn in any colour you like
  • A knitting dolly or a pair of 4mm knitting needles
  • Buttons, beads, toggles
  • Scissors
  • A ruler or tape measure
  • A blunt needle

Click to play Juliet's YouTube workshop and make an I-cord flower or butterfly:

Click to play the YouTube video and see Juliet making I-cord with knitting needles, it is just as easy!

Knitting is a great skill to learn, we hope our video workshops will inspire you to have a go and to find out more. 

When you have mastered the basics try Juliet's patterns to make Twiddlers  - and take part in our charity knitting challenge for 2022.  

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Find out about Twiddlers, the 2022 Inspire Charity Knitting Challenge

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Join in at home!

Don't forget to share your I-Cord Creations with us #Twiddlers